Welcome to 140 East

Renovating a historic house and dreaming about the ways it can become a space of gathering, sharing and care.


Who are we

We are Sara Phalen, a museum and non-profit director, & Brad Kimme, a financial services professional. Sara is from Wyanet and Brad has family in Granville. We love the Illinois Valley area and are happy to be making this investment in place making.

There is nothing like a pandemic to help a person focus on what is important and ways to collectively dream. After 10 years of marriage, learning about each other, our possibilities and privileges as a couple, we jumped in to buying this home in Tiskilwa, Illinois, to be the next caregivers in its journey of rehabilitation. We hope to bring joy and love into renovating 140 East and making it a space for gathering and sharing.


Rehabilitating 140 East

Starting in June of 2021, we began gutting spaces, removing cracked walls, repairing historic floors and restoring the beautiful woodwork in 140 East.


The Future

Stay tuned! As we rehab 140 East we are excited to flush out our future plans for this space and how it will be home of gathering, sharing and care.